The Fight begins in September...
Too Big To Fit on One Blog...
Dark Faerie Tales & Parajunkee's View are teaming up for the 1st Annual Supernatural Smack Down.
Your favorite characters are stepping from the pages in the premiere entertainment event of the year! Held in a super secret location, supernatural characters will put their talents to the test in hopes of winning the WORLD CHAMPION SUPERNATURAL TITLE and all the fame and fortune that goes along with it.
Supernatural Gladiators...fighting to the death...(or at least close to it - we don't want to kill off any of your favorite characters) - winners decided by YOU the reader! Leaving YOU the reader to decide who is the biggest, meanest, supernatural BADASS!
- The event will be for the entire month of September.
- Tons of Giveaways!
- Guest Posts by your favorite paranormal authors
- Events held everyday!
There are still available dates open for authors willing to participate. Please email Rachel (PJV) or Angela (DFT) for more info.
If you are as excited as we are, spread the word!