This weeks question :
"If you had 600 million dollars to spend,
what would be the first thing you bought?"
what would be the first thing you bought?"
Answer : Oh, hell, what would I possibly do with that... lots of things, but if we are talking actually BUYING something... this!
I'd buy a hybrid motocycle! Yummy, sexiest thing ever. ;) I've always said if I were ever to buy a motor vehicle it be a red honda or suzuki. Now I haven't faced the fact yet that I'm quite short, so I probably maybe possibly couldn't keep the thing up. ;) What the hell I'll get killer heeled boots and we're good.
How about you, what would you answer?
How about you, what would you answer?
Also don't miss - "ANY e-book by Sable Hunter" erotic cowboy or paranormal romance Giveaway!