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Tuesday, December 11, 2012


Niina : Welcome to For The Love of Reading, Ms. Taiden, I’m glad you could make it!

Milly Taiden : Hi Niina! thanks for having me back. I love visiting your page.

Niina : Let’s get started! Can you tell my readers here 4 fun unknown facts about you so we can break the ice?

Milly : I like to eat breakfast for dinner ( and lunch too ). I like to stick out my tongue at my husband when he ticks me off. My favorite perfume is Narciso Rodriguez ( love the scent ). My favorite candies are gummy bears.

Niina : Good candy choice! Tell us something about your book Fate’s Wish, that we wouldn't know just by reading the blurb?

Milly : It's a short novella. Not to be confused with a regular length novella. This was meant to be a quickie. I think what you wouldn't realize is that I like to add action, romance and heat to all my stories no matter what length it is.

Niina : 72 pages sure is enough time to make it hot. ;) What do you think makes a story sexy?

Milly : The fact that they love each other, want to be together and the chemistry between them is explosive.

Niina : What character did you most enjoy writing and why?

Milly : I love writing paranormals. They are amazing. I can give them all these powers and strengths but they still have something that makes them just as vulnerable as any human.

Niina : How do you write, chapter here and there or follow from beginning to an end?

Milly : I like to write chapter by chapter. In order. Sometimes the end hits me in the face and I have to make notes, but I generally like to keep order.

Niina : Any big projects for 2013?

Milly :  As Milly Caged Heat comes out ( 2nd of my Black Meadow Pack ) and working on a new paranormal series. As April I have Party Crasher, Wicked Valentine, Deadly Desire and Take a Chance.

Niina : What's the best part about being an author? And what’s the worst?

Milly : The best part is creating the love story and starting a new work. The worst has to be when you get to the middle and you feel like you've been writing forever but you still have forever to go. LOL!

Niina : Now to more personal questions! What’s your fondest Christmas memory?

Milly : I think my first Christmas with my son. He was about 9 months and all he wanted to do was eat the wrapping paper. LOL. It was fun because he didn't want the toys, he wanted the paper and was upset when he took it away from him.

Niina : Awww... :) Would you rather meet real vampires or werewolves?

Milly : Werewolves. Those are my sexy wild animals of choice.

Niina : LOL! What is your signature Christmas dish?

Milly : Coquito. It's puertorican eggnog with Bacardi, sweet condensed milk and cinnamon and vanilla. YUMMY!!!

Niina : Sure sounds yummy! What is your favorite guilty Christmas pleasure?

Milly : Flan. My girlfriend makes amazing coconut flan and I always get to eat some for Christmas. It is awesome!!

Niina : What’s on your night stand?

Milly : Way too much stuff. My son's toys, my phone, a notepad and pen, and water bottles.

Niina : Before we finish, here are some Quick Fire Questions:

Gingerbread cookies or Candy sticks?  Gingerbread cookies
Ice-skating or Skiing? Ice-skating
Hockey or Downhill skiing? Hockey
Christmas Tree or Christmas Lights? Christmas Tree
Eggnog or Wine? Wine
Men: Sexy Santa or Sexy Ghost? Sexy ghost
Men: Naughty boys or Good guys? Naughty boys!
Gifts: Giving or Receiving? LOL! I'm big on giving
Soft  or Hard gifts? Hard
Angels or Elves? Angels
Ham or Turkey? Turkey
Christmas: Family or Friends? Family

Niina : Thanks for visiting the For The Love of Reading, Milly! Any news would you like to share with your readers, or websites they can check out?

Milly : Thanks so much Niina! It's great fun to come visit you. I really appreciate the chance to visit. My newest book just came out under April Angel ( contemporary erotic romance ). Stranded Temptation is available at Amazon and other e-book retailers. Wynter's Captive is coming soon for Milly Taiden. Thanks and please visit my page for more info.

Twitter: @millytaiden

"The man she loves left her, but he’s the only one that can protect her.

Sharmila is a witch with a problem. Her magic is waning. And her lack of sex may have something to do with it. Her mother’s solution? Easy. Sharmila needs to get laid. Easier said than done, though, because Shar is still in love with the only man to make her melt, Zahir Darkwrath. Her missing husband. Her demon.

Zahir knows he’s a danger to Shar, so he’s done his best to stay far away. Darkness flows through his being, and when emotions run wild, destruction rages around him. And sex with Shar is definitely wild. Staying away from the woman he loves is the hardest thing he’s ever done, but hurting her would be far worse. So he’s astounded when Shar’s mother hires his company to watch over her.

Evil is heading Shar’s way, and Zahir is the only one who can stop it. To save her, Zahir will need more than control; he’ll need the power of his own darkness–which might be his undoing."

Buy Fate’s Wish here: AmazonAll Romance eBooksBarnes and Noble

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