Thursday, September 26, 2013


Niina : Welcome to For The Love of Reading, Mr. Quibner , I’m glad you could make it!

Milton Quibner : Thank you, Niina, I have soooo been looking forward to this!

Niina : Awesome! Let’s get started! Can you tell my readers here 4 fun unknown facts about you so we can break the ice?

Milton Quibner : Well, I'm still madly in love with my wife of 25 years; I'm a crazy San Francisco Giants fan; my wife has total freedom to do whatever she wants; and I have a beach-front home in Brasil that I am dying to go spend some time at.

Niina : Brazil... sweet! Tell us little about your book "HOW HIGH SHOULD I JUMP", what’s it about?

Milt : JUMP is a fun but intense sexual satire where I mock and belittle selfish, boring guys who are not willing to support and free their women; it's filled with classical references, wild erotic scenes and absurd products but, underneath the zaniness, I am directing men to become less selfish and more devoted to women while deflating jealousy and egotism.

Niina : And how could we not love that! :D So how do you write, chapter here and there - or follow from beginning to the end?

Milt : I start with an outline, a frame, which generally is the most actual work, and I then go about creating each chapter, which then gets revised ad infinitum. The real work is setting up the outline; I need a general heading I'm aiming at, then I allow the magic of the writing moment to occur. That means I prepare each day before I write; I study some of the Classics, take a look at my notes, maybe read something from some modern writer, look over the Internet for an hour or so, then I dive in.

Niina : What inspired you to write this book?

Milt : My own personal struggles with sexual betrayal when I was young led me to realize there were no good books, especially funny ones, on the subject of dealing with being betrayed, and thus, I set out to create one. I chose satire rather than to be all serious and finger-pointing, because I think we actually learn more when we laugh at ourselves than we do when we're made to feel bad.

Niina : What’s the best compliment you've received on your writing? And who complimented you?

Milt : “I hated this book until I actually read it, now it's a favorite.” Joyce Breen said this earlier this year, a radical feminist who wanted to kill me...until she actually read it. I love it!

Niina : What would you say is your most interesting writing quirk?

Milt : My combination of intellectual firepower with informality. I like to be smart but not a jerk about it. Everybody has their problems and I respect that, so I give real knowledge you can actually use without attaching a lot of bluster and arrogance to it.

Niina : How did your cover come about, or what’s your opinion of it?

Milt : I love my book's cover and it was a result of my publisher, Seaburn Books in NYC, really understanding the essence of the book; I told them the essence of what I wanted, and they showed me the first proof and bam! I loved it!

Niina : Now to more personal questions! Can you share with us 4 of the physically closest books to you?

Milt : 'The Apology/last days of Socrates'; Plutarch's Lives; The Mistress Manual; Jarry's Ubu Roi

Niina : What is your signature dish?

Milt : Organic brown rice, black beans, garlic roasted chicken and tossed salad, with lemon water.

Niina : Which Disney Princess would you pick if you had to choose?

Milt : Cinderella. I'd find a way to cheat the midnight hour for sure!

Niina : What’s the number one thing you like to do when you are not writing?

Milt : Kiss and adore my wife. Seriously, we are becoming closer every day, and I can't keep my hands off of her, and don't want to!

Niina : Awww... :) How many jobs did you have before you became a writer? What was your first job?

Milt : Many many jobs, in and out of writing. Restaurant work, house painter, farm worker, logger, gold miner, audio/video engineer, radio host, editor. I worked sometimes three jobs while I studied at the College of Pataphysics in Sebastapol, CA, a very demanding regimen that took my all to get through, but I emerged finally and have since almost exclusively worked in the the arts and literature.

Niina : Before we finish, here are some…

Quick Fire Questions!

Trees or Shops? Trees
Football or Nascar? Football
Boots or Sexy heels? Sexy heels
Shots or Wine? shots
Movie: Popcorn or Hard candy? popcorn
Date: Going on a picnic or Going to a winery? Picnic
Scarier: Ghosts or Demons? Ghosts
Women: Power Suits or Sexy Nerds? Power suits
Women: Bad girl or Girl Next Door? Bad girl
Dresses or pant suits? dresses
Women in the bedroom: Dominating or Gentle? dominating AND gentle...
Sexier: Woman who can sing or woman who can cook? woman who can cook
Romance: Knights or Kings? Kings
Romance: Fallen Angels or Sexy Demons? fallen angels
Romance: Doctors or Cowboys? Cowboys
Romance: Shifters or Vampires? Shifters
Sexier: Kisses or Licks? Kisses
Sexier : Flimsy lingerie or Trench-coat only? Flimsy lingerie
Romance or Erotic Romance? Erotic romance, baby...

Niina : Thanks for visiting the For The Love of Reading, Milt! Any news would you like to share with your readers, or websites they can check out?

Milt : Yes, please head over to my website,, where you can look over and even order my book, take a look at my weekly blog or listen in to my radio show, airing weeknights at 8 pm Pacific, . I love getting reader questions and comments, so email me at on any subject related to relationships.

In October, I will be joined by my wife, Mia, a Life Wizard, for a new half hour podcast, 'Get Over Yourself!' The Milt and Mia Show, so get connected at my website or through Facebook and/or Twitter and as soon as we have the details worked out, we'll let you know. Mia will astound you with her clarity, and for my part, I just try to keep up with her, she's a genius!

I am just beginning work on my second book, How Low Should I Go: The Satirical Guide to How NOT to Live Your Life, and I've just put the finishing touches on a Reality Show, A Real Man for My Wife! Which I am anxious to see made into a series soon. In truth, Life couldn't be better for me!

And Niina, thanks for a great interview!

Niina : I glad to have you here too Milt! And good luck with all those great things to come in the future! :D

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