Sunday, May 13, 2012


"Luc's never been happier than with Marisa, with her gone he's irritated, jealous and pissed off. Just the thought of her new man Tim drives him nuts, let alone seeing him. Battling with wanting Marisa back and wanting her happiness Luc can't give up but, he also can't bring himself to get married, let alone have a child. So who is going to give in?"

Author: Cheryl Douglas
Pages: 199 pages
Publisher: Self Published on May 2012
Form: E-book (from tour for an honest review)
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Series: Nashville Nights  #3
Amazon: Buy / $5.74 (Kindle)EU price, click to see yours )

Marisa Turner has loved Luc since she set her eyes on him when her brother brought Luc to visit. Marisa wants it all, marriage, babies, the whole nine yards and Luc doesn't, so breaking her heart she breaks up with him.

It's been  months and she tries to tell herself she's moving on with Tim, but she's lying to herself, she's just in love with Luc as she was before, but she can't let her heart be trampled again, that relationship will give her only half of her dreams and that's not enough.

Luc's never been happier than with Marisa, with her gone he's irritated, jealous and pissed off. Just the thought of her new man Tim drives him nuts, let alone seeing him. Battling with wanting Marisa back and wanting her happiness Luc can't give up but, he also can't bring himself to get married, let alone have a child. So who is going to give in?

The ruthless Nashville country music manager gets his ass handed to him in love by the sister of one of his stars and his best friend, and it's so entertaining to read! What I loved about Ruthless was Luc's desperation to have Marisa back, trying seduce her, intimidate her and plain out manipulating the situation to get her back. All is fair in love and war, right?

It's absolutely sexy when a guy can't get his mind off a girl, knowing she's the one and seeing her with another man while she's trying to get over him. Hot! Ruthless really is seriously hot, with all the yumminess of a couple who can't keep away from each other, even though know they should. I love it how Cheryl Douglas can make me so invested in the couple, but still wondering if they should be together as they genuinely want different things, even with all the love and lust between them.

I have to say I have bit of a book crush on Luc - the man is seriously sexy, possessive, passionate and bit ruthless. A mix that makes him so yummy to read! He's completely invested in seducing Marisa and not taking no for an answer - of course he's burning himself in the process. With his past he's dead serious about not getting married and having kids, but seeing Marisa gone and having his past revisit him something finally begins to give a little. And that is truly entertaining to read!

I highly recommend this series! But Ruthless can be definitely read as a single as well. You do meet Luc and Marisa in Nashville Nights books one and two as well... but reading their story was what I had been waiting for since I met them in Shameless.

Cannot wait to read Heartless!

Rating :