Tuesday, May 15, 2012


"Helen Adams has a knack for finding lost objects, but the Simon McAllister she finds isn’t what she expected. The missing California teen is now a grown man—a kilted, sword wielding, Highland warrior."

Author: Catherine Bybee
Pages: 300 pages
Publisher: Self Published on February 2012
Form: E-book (from tour for an honest review)
Genre: Paranormal Time Travel Romance
Series: MacCoinnich Time Travel Series #4
Amazon: Buy / $2.99 (Kindle)EU price, click to see yours )
Barnes & Noble: Buy / $2.99 (Nook)
Smashwords: Buy / $2.99 (E-book)

Helen can find what she sets her heart to finding, in this case it's the teenage boy Simon McAllister, traveling all the way to Scotland is nothing compared to traveling back in time and finding Simon, in a kilt, sporting a giant sword, and yes in his thirties.

Traveling back to her time Simon tags along determined to find out why their paths crossed, being a druid he knows nothing happens by chance, and the attraction he feels for her doesn't quite allow him to leave her, especially when her shady boss breaks into her apartment. There is something going on and he won't let Helen get hurt, even if it means sticking around in the time of noise, cars and electricity just a little while longer.

I so enjoyed this! As the forth book in the series, this one is a stand alone, but still gives readers a glimpse into the lives of the couples that came before. Now I haven't read the previous three books, but now I want to! Bybee writes so well, Highland Shifter is full of action, romance and time-travel! Not just one way ticket to the past but a real entertaining back and forth. Bybee creates worlds in an effortless way and there's so much going on you don't get bored reading it, there will be no skipping pages here!

The romance was starting with a flirty slow burn and developed into deeper emotions, sexual tension and lust before we get to the fire works! Simon I loved, a man of two worlds born in the present and living in sixteenth century, he had best of both worlds, the modern view but with the dominant sixteenth century vibe. Simply delicious. I liked Helen too, she had a lot of package to bring to a relationship, being an orphan and stepping into Simon's 20+ family. With her rejection issues she put the brakes on with Simon more than once, but that was so enjoyable to read!

I will definitely be looking into the earlier books in the series, I'm quite hooked now... especially  after reading the last chapter, now I have to read Amber's story! What a cliffhanger!

I was trying to think of something to point out that I didn't like and well-- came up empty... this is a 5 Star read!

Rating :