Friday, April 20, 2012


"I have seen some discussions about this online and authors get really confused. Inspired by the 3 Stars Rating Event, I decided to create this as an opportunity for us, book bloggers and reviewers, to write our opinion and let the authors know what we expect from the authors when we post a review of their book(s). And don’t forget to answer the following question:"

Should Authors Comment On Reviews?

Hi, everyone! So, should authors comment on reviews? There's two ways to look at this let's go with the Non-Tour answer first! Alright, so I've reviewed a book wither self-bought or asked to by the author, I've send a link back to them so that they can promote the review as well and know what I thought of the book. So far I see no requirement to comment, it's not necessary - but it is nice. Some do it ( :) ), some don't. If someone comments on the entry, then depending on the context of the comment it's the choice of the author to comment or not. ( in this I see no reason to encourage commenting, or prevent it )

Now, to the On-Tour answer! If an author expects and encourages readers to comment then the first rule of Social Networking Etiquette applies, Reply To All Comments - absolutely no one wants to have a conversation with themselves online ( that just makes you feel stupid and ignored ). Firstly, a commenter doesn't necessary expect a reply, but loves it when they get one from the author! This is good Public Relations, this sells your book, this will make people give you a good name when they gossip.

If you decide not to comment you risk the following attached to your name: Unavailable, aloof, snobby, snotty, indifferent and you don't want that wither you're a beginning author or a pro.

Blogging 101 - Rule #1 - Reply to all comments. Easiest way to be liked, to be talked well of and to be recommended.

If you don't comment while On-Tour with For The Love of Reading, I'll cover for you because I follow the First Rule of Blogging. ;) The nicest authors I've ever been On-Tour with have a been commenters.