Saturday, April 14, 2012


"Anya doesn't know men exists, she's never heard of them and never seen any. And now the ugliest woman on earth is escorting her from her mother to Kingdom of Palance to save her life."

Author: Chris Lange
Published: Noble Romance Publishing on December 2011
Pages: 72 Pages
Form: E-book (from a tour for an honest review)
Genre: Erotic Fantasy Romance (18+ Only)
Amazon: Buy / $5.75 (Kindle) ( EU price, click to see yours )
Barnes & Noble: Buy / $3.00 (Nook)
All Romance Ebooks: Buy / $3.00 (Ebook)

Anya doesn't know men exists, she's never heard of them and never seen any. And now the ugliest woman on earth is escorting her from her mother to Kingdom of Palance to save her life.

Kylor has a hard time getting her to meet the King of Palance and face the prophesy of a wicked witch, while seducing the completely innocent Anya without falling in love with her.

Because once he's taken her virginity to prove the witch wrong, his days will be numbered...

Erotic Romance Novella meets Mel Brooks and The Princess Bride! This novella was hilarious to read! And if you think laughing and hot love scenes go together then you need to pick this up! Chris Lange came up with an original fantasy plot, see the synopsis above,  and she made it work. Reading Anya go through her first meeting with a man, who she presumes is the ugliest woman she's ever seen, is so hilarious you can't control your giggles.

It really does have that Mel Brooks feel with lines like "Please nail me, my lord!" and dialogue that is corny and funny and situations that make you both blush and cringe, and laugh!

The romance is hot, most of the book Anya can't see men, can't hear anything "male" and they can't see her except for Kylor. Anya discovers her sexuality with him, but she's not to lose her virginity until the eclipse otherwise she might be offered as a sacrifice by a power hungry witch. It's very hot, very awkward at times but very very entertaining!

And look at that candy colored cover, if that doesn't say fantasy I'd be surprised! But this book isn't as serious as the cover implies. ;)

Get this if you find the plot interesting, because the novella sure is! Be prepared to laugh out loud! For lovers of The Princess Bride and erotic romance!

Don't miss the Guest Blog below!

Rating :

Hi all and welcome to lovely Niina's blog,

My name is Chris Lange and I am a writing girl. For the past two weeks I've talked about BLIND TO MEN, now I think it's time for an excerpt. The story begins with young Anya overhearing a conversation between her mother and a strange Amazon. As she was cursed at birth, Anya can't see men or hear them. In her world, only women exist.

            A woman was speaking to her mother in hushed, urgent tones. Up on a bucket, ear pressed against the wooden boards, Anya listened intently, praying not to fall deaf.

           Then her foot slipped on the damp bucket. Arms flailing but unable to regain her balance, she fell down heavily, and landed hard on her behind. Before she could move, the door flew open, and the visitor burst in the shed. 

           Startled, Anya raised her eyes to the tallest and strongest woman she had ever seen. Even her face was very peculiar: unsmooth and irregular features, fair hair cut short, jaws much too square, nose too long, right cheek scarred. She was indisputably the ugliest female on earth, yet when their gazes met, Anya felt all funny inside. Her blue eyes drilling into her, the woman smiled slowly, unhanding the hilt of the sword strapped on her side.

           "Anya, I presume?"

That's all for today. Or as the saying goes, that's all folks!
All my thanks to Niina for inviting me to her blog, I've really enjoyed it!

News and updates can be found on my blog
My books are on Amazon except my latest paranormal story

Crystal will be hosting me next on April 15th for my last stop. Yes, my blog tour is almost over, and I think I might shed a tear. So stay with me till the end!