Friday, March 23, 2012


I had the chance to Interview one of my favorite writers few weeks ago, Lori Foster, an acclaimed writer and philanthropist, Lori is the popular and prolific author of fast-paced, sexy, contemporary romance novels.

Read my 5 Star Review of A Perfect Storm here!

Niina : Welcome to For The Love of Reading, Lori, I’m so glad you could make it! I’ve been a fan since When You Dare came out last summer.

Lori Foster : Thank you so much, Niina! I’m uber-thrilled with the reader response to the “Men of Honor” series. I’ve got my fingers and toes crossed that readers will enjoy the 4th book, “A Perfect Storm,” just as much.

Niina : I'm sure they will! I did! Let’s get started. Can you tell my readers here 4 fun unknown facts about you so we can break the ice?

Lori : Hmmm... I’m so open and out there on Twitter and FB that I’m not sure I have anything left “unknown.” LOL. Not to be cute, but I’m pretty much an open book.
I love hard rock music. Some of my faves are KORN, Kid Rock, Marilyn Manson, etc... My middle son often hooks me up with music, since I just know what I like, but never the names of the bands involved.
I’m artsy. I love to paint and draw and I don’t suck. I’ve won awards for my artwork, since I was a young kid.
We seem to only have male genes in my family. I’m a mom of 3 sons – ages almost 31, 27 and 25. And now grandma ( Mawmaw ) to two amazing grandsons.
My favorite comfort food is chicken and noodles. Not soup, just boiled chicken, heavily salted and peppered, with wide egg noodles thrown in. Put that in a plate with some canned, diced tomatoes for a side dish, and I’m in heaven!

Niina : Kid Rock! I use to listen to him all the time! Tell us something about your newest book “A Perfect Storm” that we wouldn’t know just by reading the blurb?

Lori : Hmmm... Arizona appeared out of nowhere. I was writing Trace’s book – “Trace of Fever,” and Trace connected with a new character, Jackson ( who also appeared out of nowhere ) and while writing Jackson, I found out about Arizona.
I got the name Arizona while walking through a cemetery, looking at beautiful grave stones and reading the dates. It was an amazing summer day – perfect weather.

Niina : LOL! I love finding out how characters got named. What about your lead characters or their actions makes you go, “oh no that’s a bad idea, don’t do that!”?

Lori : Well, there were several times with Arizona tested Spencer, or Spencer tested Arizona, that I was cringing. And with the way I write, I honestly don’t know what will happen... until it does. So I’m always as surprised as the reader by the things they do, and how they work through their issues.

Niina : How do feel about the covers in the “Men Who Walk The Edge of Honor” series? I’ve heard them called from ‘drool worthy’ to ‘delicious’… wait, I think I was the one who used delicious…

Lori : I LOVE them. For years I’ve begged for cover models with chest hair. When Harlequin first showed me the book trailer – and 2 of the 3 guys had chest hair – I think I squealed! LOL. I honestly don’t get the “slick chest” look of today’s society. One of the sexiest thing about guys is their body hair! Yeah, not ape-like. But as God intended? Yum, yum, yum!

( Pssst... for the first book of my new series, coming out in Oct, titled “Run the Risk,” the hero also has a hairy chest. Yay!!! )

Niina : Hairless men kinda freak me out. ;) I like some chest hair as well, it’s cool kind of friction. ;D Can you tell us five fun/quirky things about Spencer in “A Perfect Storm” that we didn't learn from the book?

Lori : Wow, no idea. I pretty much share everything about the characters that I know.

Niina : If we could ask Spencer what’s his guilty pleasure, what would he answer?

Lori : Like most guys, he’d favor more time in bed, with more loving. LOL

Niina : Who doesn’t. ;) Especially with Spencer... Now to more personal questions! What is your signature dish?

Lori : Ha! I told my fave dish above already. Sorry. If you mean something I cook myself, I love to make ( and eat! ) roast pork with stuffing, mashed potatoes, carrots and gravy. When it’s just hubby and me, I’ll make it with thick pork chops instead of a roast. Delish!

Niina : What’s the biggest turn on in a guy, fictional or real life?

Lori : Caring. I couldn’t appreciate, like, or be around a guy who’d walk past an elderly person struggling with a grocery cart, or ignore an upset child, or drive past someone trying to push a stalled car off the road. Male or female, they have to care about their world, about the people around them, and of course, most especially, the person they love.

Niina : Very good answer. I copy that. What would you say is your most interesting writing quirk?

Lori : I don’t plot. I just sit down and let the characters tell me what to write.
I listen to loud music on my iPod while I write. I have animals crawling all around – and on – me while I write. ( 4 cats and a doggy. ) I burn candles while I write.
I have so much fun while I write! LOL

Niina : LOL! Sounds good, that’s how I write too. ( though I only write to get the stories out of my mind ;) ) What is your favorite guilty pleasure?

Lori : Movies! I go to the movies a LOT. As long as there’s something I want to see, I’m there. I’d go every night if there were enough movies. I’m not keen on romance, and I can’t sit through most dramas. I prefer horror first – even a bad horror movie is entertaining! - then action, and in a pickle I can take a comedy even if it’s dumb. But to be honest, I don’t feel very guilty about it. ;-)

Niina : What do you think makes a story sexy?

Lori : The characters. If they’re connecting, if the author is adequately sharing their interest, their feelings, then they drive everything. Sex on every page wouldn’t be sexy without the context of the characters’ emotional involvement.

Niina : Very true! And before we finish, here are some Quick Fire Questions:

Night or day? Day. I’m in bed by 10 every night.
Pick-up or Mini-van? Minivan! Although, with my boys now grown, I’m driving a small car.
Beer or Wine? Neither. I’m a tee-totaler. Don’t drink at all.
Boots or Heels? Boots! Heels are the devil’s tool.
M&Ms: With or Without Peanuts? Without. Why ruin chocolate with nuts?
Treats: Sweet or Salty? Both!
Pizza or Burger? Pizza.
Date: Going to Park or Going to Movies? More often than not, the movies.
Friends or Will & Grace? Bleh. Neither. I’d choose Dexter. Or Justified. Mmmm... Justified! Timothy Olyphant – nuff said.
Drama or Comedy? Comedy.
Winter or Summer? Summer.
Jewels or Chocolates? Jewels!
Men: Alpha-male or submissive? Alpha – as long as folks understand that Alpha doesn’t mean jerk, it means take charge, protective, lead the pack to ensure safety.
Men: Clean Shaven or Stubble? Stubble.
Dress shirt or T-Shirt? T-shirt.

( Niina : If you don't agree see the photo on the right ---> )

Tattoos or Piercings on a guy? If I HAD to choose, I’d say tattoos, but really prefer neither. Guys’ bodies are awesome enough with that.
Bad guys or good cops? Good cops.
Brunettes or Blonds? Brunettes.
Vampires or werewolves? Werewolves!
Cops or Cowboys? Cops.
Time-Travel or Sci-fi? Sci-fi.
Romance or Erotic Romance? Romance.
Male POV or Female POV (Point Of View)? Male!
Times New Roman or Courier? I write in Courier.
Pens or pencils? Pens.

Niina : Thanks for visiting the For The Love of Reading, Lori! Any news would you like to share with your readers, or websites they can check out?

Lori : I have a new series starting in October with “Run The Risk.” In that very first book, you meet four guys – Logan, Reese, Rowdy and Dash.

Logan, a police detective, is in the first book, then his good friend and partner Reese is in “Bare it All.”
Rowdy is the heroine’s brother from the first book, and he’ll be in “Getting Rowdy.”
Last will be Dash ( he’s Logan’s brother ) but I don’t yet have a title for him. Harlequin is loosely planning the books for April/May and Sept/Oct. and reissues planned for Feb and Nov. I’ll also have a benefit book ( all monies go to local charity ) romance anthology each June. I’m guessing my past publishers will also have reissues coming out, but I don’t know what or when yet.

Readers can always check out my “Coming soon” book page to see what’ll be released soon - and my “Related Books and Series” page to see books that link together -

Psst... Alice, from “Trace of Fever,” will be a heroine in “Bare it All.” She makes cameos in “Run The Risk,” too. That is the only connection from this series to the “Men of Honor” series. But Alice got to me, and like my characters often do, she just sort of showed in “Run the Risk.” And once she did, her short cameos really had an impact. At least, I think they did. We’ll see if readers think so too!

I’m accessible on Facebook / Goodreads / Twitter / Monthly announcement-only Newsletter  ( Pssst... I have a lot of contests announced in the newsletter. )

Also, I have a FREE app! iPhone / Android 

Niina : So much cool stuff coming up, can't wait to get my hands on them! Also snagged up the Android app!

Don't miss the other Lori Foster Friday posts!

My 5 Star Review of "A Perfect Storm" is HERE!

My review of the series starter "When You Dare" is HERE!

And visit Lori's website for all the yummy excerpts and pictures of the hunky heroes of "Men Who Walk The Edge of Honor" series!

Read the first 20+ pages of A Perfect Storm!

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