Thursday, December 15, 2011


This weeks question: "We are approaching the Christmas and the New Year, but before embarking on 2012 tell us, what are your most shameful moments this year, and what are your most proud of?"

Dirty Little Secret is a weekly meme hosted by Under the Covers.
Every Thursday we get to know other bloggers and our readers more intimately by asking them a question hoping to reveal their dirty little secrets.  We hope that you will all join us!

Answer : LOL! Oh boy, I'm gonna be honest because really I have no shame-filter that works properly. ;D The most shameful moment would have to be... oh, I got it! Okay, I'm in a hurry last winter getting out of work, I put on my heavy winter coat ( I live in Finland, mind you ;) ) and head out, nothing out of the ordinary, then after a walk and a bus ride and I arrive at the metro and stand up by the door leaning into the plexiglass and feel something poking me in the back, I try to look put of course you can't see your own back, then I reach back there and pull out a red plastic hanger... oh boy I burst out laughing just so that if someone by some grace of god had missed it, now knew of it. Damn thick winter coats, you can't feel nothing through'em! ;D LOL! Anyway... how come noone said, "miss you got a hanger stuck in your back"?

Now the proudest! THIS BLOG! Hands down, I'm so proud of it, proud of the work I've done on it, how it looks people who visit, just proud. Proud. PROUD! :D I have a 6 month Anniversary Coming up in end of December! :D

What about you, come on confess! ;)