Wednesday, August 17, 2011


To play along, just answer the following three (3) questions…
Hosted by MizB at Should be Reading...

What are you currently reading?
What did you recently finish reading?
What do you think you’ll read next?

What are you currently reading?

Ah! Heart of the Dragon! I have 28 pages left, and as this is my first Gena Showalter book I have to say, bring me more!

She tells a story of a emotion debrived dragon Guardian who is to kill the shapely red head who just entered to Atlantis through his portal - but... this is the first time in years that he sees colors, can smell scents especially hers and can taste, yeah her too... and so beings the tug-a-war of to kill or not to kill!?
What did you recently finish reading?

The Demon Lover, oh boy this one is 5 STAR read! I kid you not!

It's gothic, dark, eerie with incubi, witches, faeries and demons  all inhabiting a Collage where she teaches, right next to a dark forest with an old Victorian house that whipers Callie to inhabit it. Not to mention the erotic dreams she can't escape, the demon lover who seduces her in her dreams and slowly drains her of life. Oh, it's so good! I can't post my review until 13th of December but I can tell you know, pre-order it on amazon, it is so worth it.

What do you think you’ll read next?

I read the first book in the series, Need, about a year ago, and recall liking it a lot, the plot is about small town inhabited by pixies and their king. I don't recall too much, but I did enjoy it.

YA and very much fun!