Thursday, August 18, 2011


Author: Carrie Jones
Pages: 273 pages
Publisher: Bloomsbury
Published: April, 2010
Form: Paperback
Series: Need #2
Amazon: Buy
Adlibris: Buy

"Half-pixie/half-human Zara, Nick, and their friends imprisoned evil pixies in Need (2008), but more of the wicked sprites are springing up everywhere, and a pixie king is convinced that Zara is his queen—something hard to refute since her skin turns blue every time he appears. Nick is fatally wounded during an ambush, causing Zara to believe she must give in to her dark side to save him. This entry successfully delivers expected characters, tensions, and romance. Norse lore adds a new dimension, but feels extraneous rather than integrated into the story. Still, fans will rejoice in the familiar."

I had bit of a hard time with this... Perhaps it had been too long since I read "Need" the first book in the series. The plot moves a long nicely and is fairly interesting, even though a bit 'I knew that was going to happen'.
Zara seems less mature than in the first book, which grinds a little at the reading, the best part about this book is Astley, the new Pixie King who discover Zara as the current king's half-pixie daughter and wants to make her his queen. And what is also enjoyable is Issie and Devon figuring out what they are.

I wanted to like this, and little bit did as well, but not enough to be able to call it good.

Rating :

Started reading : 16th of Aug. 2011
Finished reading : 18th of Aug. 2011