Friday, August 19, 2011


Friday Follow is hosted by Parajunkee and Alison Can Read and they are featuring Belle Books this week, go have a look! You can join the fun by visiting either of the hostesses. ;)

The Question : If you could write yourself a part in a book, what book would it be and what role would you play in that book?

The Answer :
Oh good one! I have to confess I do often fall asleep with all kinds of book related shenanigans in my head. So this question is perfect!

I have a soft spot for time travel novels, there is something about being transported back in history and having all the knowledge of modern day - but that said I have come to fall in love with Paranormal Romance so it's a battle then of which wins! Time Travel or The Black Dagger Brotherhood?

Alright! If I'd be writing myself into a book it would be The Outlander, where Claire travels back in time to 1700's and meets Jamie Fraser, falls in love and decides to stay with him. I'd love to see Scotland in 1700's, I'd love to meet everyone in the book - but I probably wouldn't write myself into it until Journey when everyone is more mature. What would my role be? That's bit trickier, I'd probably be helping wanting Claire's role and get me a Jamie! ;)